Project Title:
Alon Mor, Matan Goren , Noam Hayun, Noy Naor, Shlomit Harush and Tal Yaakov
David Dovrat
Exhivision is a comfortable platform for exhibitions, visitors and exhibitors where they can meet new people or companies that share interest with them and make a connection between them.
The app is based on handshakes via QR scanning.
Making business connections never been so EASY!

Project Title:
Alon Tavor, Aviram Imber, Boaz Ben-Doz, Daniel Zolotnitsky, Liam Kimel, Nir Gerber, Ohad Goudsmid
Koby Mike
Today, passengers are not evenly spread on the platform and on the trains, which results delays in the train schedule.
Spreading the passengers will allow better riding experience and will reduce the time wasted in train stations.
In the project we try to use accelerometer data collected from users’ phones to predict which train cars are crowded. We collected data and used learning algorithms
to combat this classification problem.Our experiments and data collection were performed in cafeterias in the Technion, instead of trains, since it is more available for our collection method. The problem of crowd estimation is very similar in this setting. We believe that working on the problem in this setting will be insightful to the same problem in the setting of trains.

Project Title:
Hadar Oren, Tal Alon, Daniel Gilo, Eran Flashin Gal Sidi, Hadar Navon, Aviv Nachman, Michael Ezra
Gal Peretz
Saving the climate – one meal at a time. Reducing the CO2 emissions of 50M restaurants in the world, together.
Your favorite meal goes through a very polluting process! Reducing restaurants CO2e affect multiple pollution factors!
With our cross-platform app, it’s easy to calculate the climate footprint of each meal, encouraging
customers to order climate friendly options.
Using the meal labeling system, restaurants can show that they care!

Project Title:
Andrey Katz Hamode Saif Micol Gorelik Miki Mints Naveh Shovali Shay Zlotolov
David Dovrat
"What happens on the Internet, stays on the Internet"
We always want to know what other people say about us on line.
If we regret posting something on line in the past,
we might want to have the power to track and change that.
Online presence is playing a key role for businesses and recruiters today.
The solution:
WEEM’s core feature is to automatically index data from all popular
social networks and advertisers, and to aggregate said data into
useful metrics and reputation scores.
WEEM lets you know how other people percieve you online,
based on your mentions all over the web.

Project Title:
Adva Bitan, Maya Wolff, Elizabeth Langerman, Gal Vinter, Rotem Samuel, Omri Porat, Yoni Toybenshlak, Danielle Kupitman
Koby Mike
Kids can’t take their eyes off the screens? Can’t decide what your next book
is going to be? Not anymore! The Z generation just needs a little push...
READING7 makes reading a social activity, and helps you pick your next book.
Imagine a kids friendly app where you can follow your friends, discuss books,
share your reviews and get special recommendations made just for you.
Initiated by Dana blinder and Yair Armon, in collaboration with MindCet

Project Title:
Noa Marelly, Fady Bader, Segev Tsur, Nadav Dadush, Neta Friedman, YardenAdir, Oren Jacobian Pana
Itai Dabran, Yuval Ron
Did you know that a third of the food on earth ends up being thrown away?
Do you want to save some cash, and help the planet on the way?
In Haifa, a local group of activists have created Robin Food, a non-profit food rescue restaurant. Robin Food rescues ingredients that would have otherwise be wasted, and with the help of a chef they turn it into delicious meals for the public.
Through the RobinFoodapp, we are here to spread the word through the digital medium. In our app you can rescue food, either by giving it away or by consuming it from other users! You can also help food-sharing restaurants (such as Robin Food) by transporting food to their location, and so much more!

Project Title:
Two Truths and a Lie
Alon Arenberg, Nadav Elias, Shai Feldman, Dan Kalifa, Ron Kantorovich,SagiLevanon, Siraj Othman
Koby Mike
Two Truths and a Lie is a social bonding game accessible through an intuitive and inviting website. The game functions as an “ice breaker” that is much needed when you meet a lot of strange people in a short time in different social events. In the best case scenario making the participants enroll and play will help establish new friendships and business opportunities or at least make shy people feel more comfortable.
We encourage you to join the revolution and give it a shot. We promise to keep the data about you private.

Project Title:
Sahar Cohen, Ron Grinberg, Or Borenstein, Gil Zimmerman, Victor Banyas, Yuval Nahon, Samuel Panzieri
Koby Mike, Itai Dabran
שמים את האחר בכיתה!
"ודיברת" היא אפליקציה חברתית חינוכית המיועדת עבור תלמידי תיכון ומעודדת השתתפות בשיחות מגוונות על נושאים בהם קיים מגוון דעות בקהילה הישראלית.
הגיע הזמן ליצור דיון תרבותי ומגוון בבתי הספר. הגיע הזמן ללמוד שכולנו בני אדם.

Project Title:
Omer Leibovitz, Nadav Halahmi, Nir Elias, Emil Barel, Dan Aharonson, Saar Globin, Aviad Phillip
Gal Peretz, Itai Dabran
LaavaTech develops and manufactures smart LED lighting solutions for a variety of industries including vertical and hydroponics farms and insect protein operations.
Our main goal is to provide LaavaTech a complete end-to-end product that they can continue using indefinitely. The product itself will be designed and modeled in the best way so that it will be easy for them to maintain and continue development.

Project Title:
Emil Barel, Nir Elias, Nadav Halahmi, Saar Glovin, Alon Pe'er, Omer Leibovitch, Aviad Philipp, Dan Aaronson
Eytan Singher, Itai Dabran
Kashistics is an android application developed to study how the design of mobile applications can be improved for the elderly.

Project Title:
Human-Robot Interaction
Nadav Elias, Shai Feldman, Dan Kalifa, Ron Kantorovich, Sagi Levanon, Siraj Othman
Koby Mike
לומדה ללימוד מערכת השרירים של גוף האדם המשתמשת ברובוט אנושי מתקדם שבא באינטראקציה עם התלמידים.
בעזרת הלומדה אפשר לחקור ההבדלים בין למידה עם רובוט לבין למידה עם מדריך אנושי.
Clients: Dr. Rinat Rosenberg-Kima, Faculty of Education in Science and Technology; Madatech

Project Title:
Alon Tavor, Aviram Imber, Boaz Ben-Doz, Daniel Zolotnitsky, Liam Kimel, Nir Gerber, Ohad Goudsmid
Koby Mike
Empowering doctors and patients during medical treatment.
The project goal is to check a new approach, for empowering patients and doctors alike. We work with researchers that want to evaluate this new approach. They hypothesize that more engagement will be seen from both sides, allowing better treatments.
We developed an Android application for empowering both the doctors and the patients. Allowing them to set goals and milestones for the treatment, and track the changes in their condition.